The Thinking 3D team is proud to announce the launch of our new book, Thinking 3D: Books, Images and Ideas from Leonardo to the Present which is to be published on 11 October 2019. This book, a tie-in to the Bodleian Exhibition, features 80 colour illustrations from Oxford and international collections which illustrate 200 pages of in-depth investigation into the development of the techniques used to communicate three-dimensional forms on the two-dimensional page and contemporary media.

Through essays on some of the world’s greatest artists and thinkers (Leonardo da Vinci, Euclid, Andreas Vesalius, William Hunter, Johannes Kepler, Andrea Palladio, Gallileo Galilei, among others), Thinking 3D shows how techniques developed to illustrate three-dimensional forms on the two-dimensional page. The book features Leonardo da Vinci’s ground-breaking drawings in his notebooks and other manuscripts, extraordinary anatomical illustrations, early paper engineering including volvelles and tabs, beautiful architectural plans and nineteenth-century views of the moon.
With in-depth analysis of over forty manuscripts and books, Thinking 3D also reveals the impact that developing techniques had on artists and draughtsmen throughout time and across space. The book has been edited by Thinking 3D co-directors, Daryl Green (Fellow Librarian at Magdalen College, Oxford) and Laura Moretti (Senior Lecturer in Art History at University of St Andrews).

“The history of thinking 3D in forty books” by Daryl Green and Laura Moretti
“Leonardo da Vinci, 500 years on” by Matthew Landrus
“The third dimension from the ninth century” by Ken Saito
“Master teacher of Renaissance mathematics” by Renzo Baldasso
“The third dimension on the page” by Yelda Nasifoglu
“Polyhedra and the photograph” by George Hart
“A geometrical system of the heavens” by Karl Galle
“The starry messenger” by Thony Christie
“The hand-made moon” by Stephanie O’Rourke
“Mapping the terrain of our red neighbour” by Daryl Green
“A medieval architectural vision” by Karl Kinsella
“Learning from the past” by Laura Moretti
“The most famous of French buildings” by Frédérique Lemerle
“Perspectives of a measured world” by Francesco Marcorin
“The embodiment of anatomical education” by Mark Somos
“Remarkable reproductions” by Camilla Røstvik
“Electric brains” by Dániel Margócsy
“Two eyes are better than one” by Denis Pellerin
Thinking 3D: Books, Images and Ideas from Leonardo to the Present can be purchased from the Bodleian’s online shop, Amazon, and other outlets.